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Camp for Ukrainian youths for leisure & education

The background is a project that our foundation launched before the outbreak of the war in Ukraine in cooperation with Don Bosco Youth Aid Worldwide. The project aims to promote education and inclusion of children and young people with and without disabilities in Lviv city and province through football, especially orphans, half-orphans and street children from the "Pokrova Family House".

However, as the war is currently preventing us from carrying out the project in the planned form on-site in Lviv, we would now like to give some of these children and young people a short break from the war and carry out the project in a modified form as part of 14-day leisure and education camp in Switzerland. The aim is to give the children and young people a break from the war and to help them reduce stress and fear through sport, education and leisure activities.

During their stay, the young people will be coached by coaches from our partner clubs FC Zurich and Benfica Lisbon. The educational programme is designed by teachers and a former university lecturer.

We pay special attention to the inclusion of children and young people with disabilities in all our projects. Also in this camp, 8 children with a disability will participate,

A total of 40 people, 26 children and youths with and without disabilities from the home "Family House Pokrova" accompanied by their home staff (such as cook, caregivers, etc.) will enjoy a camp in Switzerland and participate in an inclusive football tournament for youths with and without disabilities, which is organised every 2 years by FOOTBALL IS MORE and will take place from 4 to 7 August in St. Gallen.

Project goals

The recreational and educational camp aims to give children and young people with and without disabilities from the "Pokrova Family House" a respite from the events of the war and to help them reduce stress and fear through sports, educational and recreational activities.

We want to support children and young people in their physical, mental and spiritual development. Specifically, they should strengthen their self-confidence through play and sport, develop better social behaviour, be encouraged in their motor skills and be familiarised with educational content (language teaching and values and health education).


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