At Christmas, a very special and pleasant message reached us.
It is like a Christmas present to our organisation FOOTBALL IS MORE.
Despite these difficult times around the world, we are happy to learn that our project in Laos continues to run sustainably and that what we have learned is being diligently passed on.
Unfortunately, since the Corona crisis, we have not been able to travel to Laos to continue our training modules.
We are all the more pleased to hear this news from Laos.
Ausführliche Tätigkeitsberichte könnt ihr selbst in den Berichten zweier Coaches nachlesen:
You can read detailed reports of our activities in the reports of two coaches:
We hope to be able to travel to Laos again in the near future to further support and train the dedicated coaches.
We wish the whole FIM family a Merry Christmas, relaxing holidays and good health!